XAlt: A game-changer platform for AIFs in India
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XAlt: A game-changer platform for AIFs in India

February 28, 2024

“This one player has changed the dimensions of the game.” You must have heard this line during a game; it doesn’t matter if it’s cricket, football, hockey, or any other team sport. What if we tell you this goes the same for AIFs in India? How a platform named XAlt is changing the landscape of alternative investment funds in India. It is a forward-thinking, fully automated system that anticipates your needs and adjusts to the rapidly changing technological landscape, not merely a platform. We’ll explore more in this blog. Let’s understand the platform first, briefly.

What is XAlt?

KFintech’s XAlt is a first-of-a-kind platform for AIF administration. It offers an interconnected financial ecosystem that is secure and regulated. Since its inception, it has been setting a new standard for seamless, secure, and futuristic operations. This integrated platform caters to various solutions for AIF administration across multiple assets, currencies, and languages. Not only this, it comes with robust security measures, and it eliminates the requirement of multiple vendors and systems.

Visit XAlt platform, click here

How is XAlt changing the AIF landscape in India?

The landscape of alternative funds in India has been changing rapidly in recent years. In India, alternative investment funds are a distinct type of investment that differs greatly from conventional mutual funds. These funds combine investor capital and allocate it to a range of asset classes, such as real estate, hedge funds, private equity, and more. 

Do you want  to know more about the rise of AIFs in India? Read here

Now let’s have a look at the key features of the XAlt platform

  • Highly efficient: It is a one-stop solution for fund accounting, transfer agencies, investor servicing, digital solutions, and compliance in one powerful integrated solution. XAlt breaks down barriers by doing away with the need for multiple systems and vendors.
  • Personalized as per your need: XAlt serves a tailor-made DIY approach for a wide range of customers, investors, organizations, distributors, and AIF agents. It adjusts to your specific needs, whether you’re handling simple admin tasks or more advanced admin tasks.
  • Technology of tomorrow: Created using state-of-the-art technology, XAlt features a highly configurable proprietary configuration engine, an advanced rules system engine, and next-generation cloud-based data storage.
  • Security above and beyond: XAlt prioritizes security and uses several levels of security. AIFs data is protected under the strictest security measures thanks to standards like OAuth 2.0, OWASP protocols, audit trails, historization, and role-based access management.
  • Superiority in each aspect: It is more than just compliant; it is an adaptable, quick force that communicates with other systems without any problems. XAlt makes sure you’re setting the standard, not just keeping up.


To sum up, XAlt can be the beginning of AIF’s future journey. It’s not just a platform; it’s also a commitment to transparency, innovation, and empowerment. This innovative platform revolutionizes AIF administration, guaranteeing that you are not only prepared for future challenges but also immune to them.