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Key Things to Remember Before Investing in Alternative Investment Funds

May 31, 2024

AIFs are a type of pooled investment vehicle that is designed to collect funds from investors, both domestically and internationally, for investing in accordance with a defined investment policy. These funds are different from traditional investment funds such as mutual funds, as they invest in assets that may not fall under the stock, bond, or fund categories.

So, if you are planning to invest in Alternative Investment Funds in India, what should you consider? What are the important points that you may want to remember before investing in AIFs? We’ll explore the same in this blog.

Here are some key points about Alternative Investment Funds to remember

  • Diversity: AIFs can invest in a large variety of asset classes, including hedge funds, real estate, commodity funds, private equity, and more. Investors have the opportunity outside of traditional markets thanks to this diversity.
  • Rules and Regulations: AIFs are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). AIFs must register with the relevant regulatory body and abide by certain rules and regulations.
  • Expertise in Management:  The decision-making for investors in AIFs is usually done by qualified fund managers. They bring expertise and knowledge to navigate complex investment landscapes.
  • Investor eligibility to invest: Only HNIs (High-net Worth Individuals) usually invest in AIFs due to their complex nature and large ticket size. The requirements for investing in AIFs may differ depending on the regulatory framework of the country in which the AIF is registered. 
  • Risk and Benefits: If AIFs are compared to traditional investment options, they may have higher levels of risk, but they may also offer potentially higher returns, depending on their strategy. Prior to making an investment, investors should thoroughly evaluate the risk-return profile. While alternative investments may be attractive, certain investors might opt for a more cautious approach due to concerns about associated risks.
  • Lock-in Period: While investing in AIFs investors may not be able to withdraw their money for a certain period.  

Looking to learn more about the types of AIFs in India? Read here


Experienced investors may be able to diversify their portfolio and potentially generate higher returns with Alternative Investment Funds in India. Before making an investment, investors should carefully consider their goals, risk tolerance, and the particular AIF because these investments are not without risk. As with any investment, it’s essential to do your research and consult with a financial advisor before making any decisions.